Now Is The Time To Contact Solar Optimum.
Solar Optimum Is Changing The Way California, Nevada, Arizona and Florida Homeowners Conserve Energy.
Cash Purchase
Paying for your solar system or solar battery storage with cash gives you maximum tax incentives. It also means you own the system yourself – and that you only have to pay once and never think about it again.
Special Financing
For Agriculture, School, Municipal, and Government projects, we offer low/no-interest loans and grants. Ask our Energy Consultants about your options. Ask our Energy Consultants about early purchase terms.
Power Purchase Agreement
With a Power Purchase Agreement, a third party will own the solar array or battery. You will pay a fixed rate every month for 20-35 years until the system has been paid off completely. Ask our Energy Consultants about early purchase terms.
PACE is the Property Assessed Clean Energy Program for commercial and residential solar projects. With PACE, business owners can finance the up-front cost of solar or energy storage on their property and pay back the costs over time through a voluntary assessment.
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