The beautiful, lush town of La Cañada Flintridge is home to more than 20,000 people who enjoy the Southern California scenery and warm weather. But all this beauty comes with a price. Because of the many trees inhabiting the area, La Cañada Flintridge is on California’s ‘Very High Fire Danger’- list.
Every summer, California wildfires burn through acres upon acres and leave many homes without power – sometimes for extended periods of time. For La Cañada Flintridge, this is the reality about 4-5 times a year, when major fires roam these areas.
Access to power – even during an outage
When living in an area that is subject to power outages up to several times a year, it is natural to consider alternative solutions to make sure you are covered in the case of an emergency. Buying solar panels for your home and completing that with battery storage can provide the ‘energy peace of mind’ needed – especially for those who depend on electricity for medical purposes. But it is not just solar homes that benefit from battery storage. A home battery can be a lifesaver for anybody:
“Regardless of whether you have residential solar panels or not, adding battery storage to your home is a very smart investment”, said Jerry Carpenter, Director of Residential Development at Solar Optimum. “Not only will it help you save even more money on your utility bills, but most importantly, especially for residents of high-risk areas, it will provide access to power – even if the grid is down.”
Residences With Medical Baselines Gets Battery Almost For Free
La Cañada Flintridge is an area that qualifies for the Care Bill, which provides homeowners with a Medical Baseline Allowance Program. Residents with electrically-powered medical equipment such as medical ventilators, sleep apnea machines, heart rate monitors, etc., can get an additional 16.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity per day to help offset the cost of operating the medical device (Source:
Homeowners who live in the most vulnerable zip codes of 91011, 91012, 91020, 91021, and who are receiving a Medical Baseline Allowance, are now eligible for a significant rebate on a home battery. The extended SGIP (Self Generated Incentive Program) rebate will subsidize nearly the entire cost of a Tesla Powerwall battery – making it almost free.
“This medical baseline discount is a win-win for those who live in high-risk areas and who need a reliable source of electricity. It’s an incredible deal that will get them ‘energy peace of mind’ for almost no money. Unfortunately, a lot of solar panel companies do not have Tesla Powerwall in stock, which is unfortunate right now with summer getting closer. At Solar Optimum, we have planned ahead knowing that the demand for battery storage is on the rise,” said Carpenter.
La Cañada Flintridge homeowners need battery storage
A home battery back-up will store any energy you haven’t used for later when you may need it. You can choose to use the stored energy when electricity rates are at their highest in order to save money – or you can save the surplus energy for emergencies.
For people who depend on electrically-powered medical equipment, a home battery can provide energy peace of mind in case of an outage. And for those who do not rely on any medical equipment, a battery will ensure that their food stays fresh in the refrigerator, houses stay cool with AC, and the lights remain on.