When choosing solar panels to power your property, you may notice a few interesting variants available. Among your options are half-cut solar panels, which are a more powerful, more efficient, and somewhat more costly alternative to a traditional design.
What are half-cut solar panels and when are they a good choice for your property? We’re diving into the facts to help you decide if this option is right for you.
What Are Half-Cut Solar Panels?
Half-cut, or “split-cell,” solar panels are devices used to turn sunlight into electricity. An innovation of the original solar panel design, the efficiency of their solar cells depends on how they are wired. The more separate segments, the more efficient they can be. Half-cut solar panels start by cutting each solar cell into two. Then, rather than four rows of cells per panel, these solar panels have eight, with a split down the middle.
The way this design is wired allows each panel to absorb sunlight and generate electricity more effectively. This makes them less impacted by partial shade because the sections of cells can work separately from each other.
How Do Half-Cut Solar Panels Work?
Half-cut solar panels absorb sunlight in eight sections of smaller cells instead of four sections of larger cells. In a section of solar cells, if one cell doesn’t get enough sun, the whole section does not produce energy. In a normal solar panel, those sections are vertical along the length of the panel, causing the entire panel to not generate energy if half the panel doesn’t get sun.
Because half-cut panels are split across the center and therefore into eight different sections, each section can generate separately and the entire panel becomes more fault-tolerant of shade. The smaller sections also reduce resistance in each cell.
3 Benefits of Using Half-Cut Solar Panels
Less Resistance
The first cut in half-cut solar panels slices each solar cell into two. Because each cell generates less current, it also creates less internal series resistance in the circuit. This allows the panel to achieve a higher efficiency rating.
Higher Shade Tolerance
With the eight separate sections, each section can keep generating power without the others. This means that shade cast by the shadows of trees or other obstacles will disable only a localized area of each panel while the rest of the panel keeps generating power thanks to the way it’s wired.
Greater Efficiency
Half-cut solar panels are overall more efficient at generating energy than traditional full-cell solar panels wired in four-row series since they have less power loss.
What Brands Offer Half-Cut Solar Panels?
Only certain solar manufacturers have prepared their factories to create half-cut solar panels. Some common brands include:
Which Solar Panel Style Is Right for You?
Half-cut solar panels are ideal in areas where partial shade is a common possibility. For areas with uninterrupted sun, you may prefer full solar panels. Whether you choose to go with half-cut or full solar panels, you can enjoy lower energy bills. Contact us today to schedule a site assessment to see which type of solar panels are best for your home.