How Big Should Your Solar System Be in Florida?
Once you’ve determined that your home can support solar, the next most important question is, “How big should my solar system be?” Because the answer is region-specific, you’ll need to compare a range of technical and environmental considerations. Consumption rates,...
How To Compare Florida Solar Companies
Florida’s nickname as the Sunshine State is well-deserved with sunny days for the majority of the year. Homeowners can take advantage of this by installing solar panels that will also help cut down on their electricity bills. But sifting through...
Can You Sell Solar Power to the Grid in Florida?
Going solar is a great investment for homeowners in Florida. With the state receiving sunshine nearly all year round, chances are you won’t use all the energy your solar system produces. Florida’s net metering program allows homeowners to receive credit...
7 Ways Central Florida Homeowners Can Become Energy Efficient
For homeowners, it’s a good bet to try to be more energy efficient. Maintaining an energy-efficient household can help you lower your monthly bills, improve indoor air quality, navigate power outages more effectively, help you reduce your carbon footprint and...
Your Guide to Solar Panel Installation in Polk County
If you live in Polk County, and you’re tired of high energy bills that keep running up no matter how many lights you turn out, then it may be time to go solar. New panels are an affordable way to...