In today’s environmentally conscious world, residential solar panels have become a primary method of energy production. From municipal power grids to supplemental home arrays, solar panels are a reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable way to produce energy for home and business use.
If you are planning to invest in solar panels for your home, it is important to obtain multiple quotes from a variety of solar panel providers. Here are a few more tips for comparing your quotes to ensure that you get the best deal on your solar panel array.
Solar Panel Installation: Comparing Apples to Apples
First and foremost, ensure that your quotes are for the same equipment, installation terms, and service both during and after your installation is complete. All of your quotes should be for the same
Terms of service
Level of expertise
Brand and/or product
Warranty package
It is important to remember that cheaper isn’t always better. Some suppliers will offer a low starting price, but will charge extra for services that are included in other quotes. An apples-to-apples comparison in which all of the equipment and services are the same will help you to choose the best vendor for your needs.
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Rebates and Incentives
Many local energy providers and government entities offer rebates and other incentive programs for adding solar power. If you are on an electrical grid, your electric service provider may offer discounts for solar energy use during peak hours. Other state and local projects offer rebates for solar panel installation costs. Be sure that your solar panel quotes include any current discounts, rebates, or incentives for your solar installation.
Choose the Right System
Not all solar panel systems are created equal. An array designed to support a residential home for peak hours will require different equipment and setup than an array used to power an industrial plant. In addition to considering the capacity of your solar panels in relation to your planned usage, you should also take into account:
Space available for your panels
Where you plan to have them mounted
Whether the energy must be metered or capped
Whether you will need monitoring systems, and
How accessible your system will need to be for maintenance and inspections.
Each of these considerations will affect the size, system design, mounting method, installation, and service requirements for your system.
Vet Your Solar Panel Installer
When reviewing your solar panel installation quotes, be sure to vet your potential installers to ensure that they are a reliable and reputable company. Check for any necessary licensing requirements, and see whether they have reviews with the Better Business Bureau. Solar panels are a big investment, so it is perfectly understandable to ask your panel installer for recommendations or references from previous clients.
Expert Solar Panel Installation by Solar Optimum
At Solar Optimum, we are committed to providing the highest quality residential solar panels in the industry. Whether you are in need of a supplemental array for your peak on-grid usage or a full off-grid system, we have the knowledge and experience necessary to ensure that you have the perfect solar panels for your needs. To learn more about our solar panel offerings, contact us today!